Back pain, osteopathy, and best doctors in Dubai

This post is about something that plagues a lot of residents in Dubai – back pain. I’ve looked through many referral and recommendation websites, and tried to find a solution, having suffered for years with back pain. Over the last few months the condition really went from bad to worse,  and the pain started to radiate down my buttocks and thighs  all the way to my calves. The pain was really severe, and I went and saw a string of doctors to no real improvement.

I’ve gone to see a sports specialized orthopedic surgeon, who did x-rays and said I had a slipped disc which was in the L4/L5 region (lower back) and recommended physiotherapy. I went for 10 sessions of physio, and while this helped temporarily, it just went back to pain-state soon after.
Next, I saw a chiropractor, and went for two sessions, but was told I would really need at least 10 quick sessions before any improvement. My whole structure was apparently out of whack, I had one leg longer etc etc. With zero improvement after  two special sessions, I gave up.
Then a friend recommended I see a specialist Osteopath – Dr Malcom Gregory at the Osteopathic Health Centre on Al Wasl Road in Umm Sequim. He is an experienced Osteopath, who listened to my problems and did some manipulations and really helped me. I had two sessions with him – and did see a lot of improvement. Unfortunately, he was traveling, when suddenly my pain absolutely got the best of me.
Every morning I would start the day, bent over forward, because I could not stand up stand up straight. Through the day, I had occasions of shooting pain down my butt and upper thighs, and sometimes down my leg. It felt like severe sciatic pain, or if you read up, it could have been a piriformis syndrome problem. I would often just freeze, unable to move. Sitting was a problem, walking was a problem, driving…
Someone at work recommended I see Dr Stephen Richardson, an Osteopath at GMC Clinics in Tecom. I went and saw him last week, and he, after patiently listening to my history and examining me, did some manipulations, helping with movement and basically helping to loosen up my tightness (in lay terms). He also used kineseo taping on my lower back, and I must admit, after weeks of intense pain, I felt immediate relief that day onwards.  He also suggested I ice my lower back a couple of times a day, which also helped a lot.
My body felt more balanced, I did not feel restricted, I could stand up straight, and overall,the pain really went down. I kept the tape on for three days, until I knew I would see him again, and took off the tape. Things changed immediately, and the pain came back like it was before. I was suddenly stooped forward again, having surges of pain down my thighs. Luckily, I had an appointment with him, early this morning, and he listened to how it had improved, checked out my back again, and taped me up.
I felt immediate relief. It is early days yet, it has just been a few hours since I saw him, but I feel compelled to post this, because it is important that back pain sufferers in Dubai know that there is a solution. Osteopathy works, and both osteopaths have helped me, specially Dr Richardson. Thank you Steve.

Osteopathy is a type of alternative medicine that emphasizes the physical manipulation of the body's muscle tissue and bones. Uniquely for the United States, osteopathic medicine there constitutes a branch of the medical profession. Practitioners of that branch of medicine are called osteopathic physicians, and are trained and certified to practice the entire scope of the modern medicine.

Kineseo taping (as used by Dr Richardson: Elastic therapeutic tape is an elastic cotton strip with an acrylic adhesive that is used with the intent of treating pain and disability from athletic injuries and a variety of other physical disorders.


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