Twitter just launched Dashboard – a dedicated app to help manage business accounts

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Twitter has just launched an app  that will help businesses manage both communication and engagement with their followers. Called Twitter Dashboard, it’s available in beta for those in the U.S. on both iOS and as a desktop app.

Twitter, in their blog post said that businesses have a difficult time creating “authentic” connections due to lack of time and resources. That's why they developed and launched yesterday Twitter Dashboard. “It gives business owners a clear picture about what’s being said about their businesses, lets them schedule tweets, and offers insights about their tweet performance.”

Twitter Dashboard will enable companies to create their own feed, and a clear picture of what’s being said about their businesses, lets them schedule Tweets, and offers insights about their Tweet performance.

Easily engage with your audience

You can create a custom feed to find out what’s being said about your business.  Use your custom feed to get right to the Tweets you want to see first and better engage with your community. For example, if you work at a cafe, you may see a Tweet from a customer who has a question about your hours. Or, if you’re a boutique owner, you might see a Tweet from a potential customer talking about one of your products. The ability to see these Tweets at a glance offers endless opportunities for you to connect with customers and potential customers with responses that add value.

Now you can schedule tweets

Now you can schedule Tweets to reach your audience when they’re online and you’re busy doing other things. If you want to edit your scheduled Tweets while you’re on the go, you can use the iOS Dashboard app to update your Tweet queue, according to Twitter.

Get ideas and inspiration from Twitter directly

Twitter says Dashboard will inspire and give ideas. "Kickstart your creative process with Tweet tips geared just for businesses. They can help you start conversations and engage your audience in those moments when you’re not sure what to Tweet. For example, if you work at a restaurant, a tip like, “Your team is as unique as your business. Tweet a surprising fact about one of your team members,” might remind you to share some recent recognition your chef received. Or, if you’re an interior designer, seeing, “Share the love. Like and Retweet kind words from your customers,” might prompt you to Retweet a customer’s excited reaction to one of your recent projects.

5 Cool Ways to use Twitter for Real Time Marketing

Also remember that you can use tools like TweetReach to monitor how our brand is doing...

And that's the basics of digital marketing strategy. That's 101. Please share this post with your friends and colleagues today... And do comment if you feel you want to add to this.


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